Bad Credit
Bad credit is a low credit score or a credit report reflecting a negative and/or poor credit rating.
Anytime a consumer is looking for a credit card, either from a department store, company or perhaps for a line of credit from a bank, or any type of loan, the application is sent to the credit bureaus for approval. The bureaus will verify the applicant by confirming their name, address, social security number and other key information to make sure they are researching the correct person.
The application information, once confirmed, is used to provide a credit rating to a lending company. This rating will show whether the applicant is a good or bad risk when it comes to paying back the money that is borrowed. Anything that requires a credit application, including mortgages, purchasing a new car or financing appliances, is subject to a credit check.
When a consumer has bad credit, their report will show that they are slow to pay back monies owed, if not entirely delinquent on some debts. It may also show that their debt outweighs their income. The damage from bad credit can take years for a consumer to repair due to high payments and high interest rates as well.
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Individuals may find that in the case of bad credit, it is still possible to get approved for a credit loan; however, the interest rate will be higher. This can cause the payments to be more than they can afford and will take longer to pay off.
Lenders want to know that consumers will be able to repay the amount borrowed, or in the case of making a purchase, make timely payments. If a lender sees that timely payments were not made to other lenders, they will question whether the consumer is going to be a good risk for them to take.
Repair Your Credit Profile Is One Of The Most Essential Financial Decisions You Can Make.
We know that when you entrust us to repair your credit, you are looking for a personalized and individual program that works for you. We are results driven and use a personal focus to repair credit scores.
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